What is Umbrella Insurance?
Umbrella insurance covers everything that your other coverages do not. Umbrella Insurance is used to wrap your coverages to ensure your business has higher limits in case of a worst-case scenario.
Whom does it protect?
Umbrella Insurance protects your business from lawsuits that may exceed the limits of your traditional policies or lawsuits related to items that could be excluded from your General Liability Insurance.
When do I need Umbrella Insurance for my business?
Umbrella insurance is generally suggested for a brand expanding its distribution and increasing its customer base. We suggest a brand with a minimum of $250,000 in gross sales yearly begin exploring your options.
What are the risks if I don’t have appropriate Umbrella Coverage?
If you do not have Umbrella Insurance and have a lawsuit that exceeds the traditional limits of your General Liability coverage, your business, and the owners could be held personally liable for any amounts over the coverage limits.
How often should I review my Umbrella?
Umbrella insurance should be reviewed at least annually. Unlike other coverages that may require more frequent review if your brand is scaling quickly, Umbrella insurance tends to be a set amount of coverage and can be reviewed less frequently.