About Us


SecureCPG created by founders to address the most common risks faced by modern brands and the businesses that support them.

Why SecureCPG?

SecureCPG is for busy brands that do not have the time and internal resources to identify risks to their brand. Our digital platform makes managing your coverages easier, no matter the insurance carrier. We integrate every interaction into a straightforward platform for you and your team. Make a claim, request a coverage increase, or even request a certificate of insurance for a new agreement. You can manage it all through our platform. Tools that were once only available to industry professionals are now available to you.

Who is behind SecureCPG?

SecureCPG was the brainchild ofCPG industry experts specializing in growing brands and a team of business and individual insurance experts from one of the 30 largest independent brokerages in the United States. The experience of the individuals behind SecureCPG totals over 175 years of working with brands and the insurance industry.

Corporate Partners

To build the best insurance experience for our users, we have worked hard with the following groups to identify risks to your brand and develop an environment to make your life easier.


Rodeo CPGicon


Maury Donnelly & Parricon


Boulder Food Groupicon

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