About Us
SecureCPG was founded by industry experts to proactively tackle the most common risks facing modern brands—and the businesses that support them.
Why SecureCPG?
Busy brands often lack the time and internal resources to proactively manage risk. That’s where SecureCPG comes in. Our platform simplifies insurance management—regardless of your carrier—by streamlining everything from policy procurement, claims management, renewals, and compliance. Whether you need to file a claim, request a coverage increase, or obtain a certificate of insurance for a new agreement, we are built to make your life easier. What was once exclusive to industry professionals is now at your fingertips.
Who is behind SecureCPG?
SecureCPG was founded by CPG industry experts with extensive experience in scaling brands, alongside seasoned insurance professionals. Together, our team brings over 175 years of expertise working with brands and navigating the insurance industry.
Corporate Partners
To build the best insurance experience for our clients, we have worked hard with the following groups to identify risks to your brand and develop an experience to make your life easier.